Getting Bookings from Your Website with MangoBeds

Getting Bookings from Your Website with MangoBeds

If you want to manage bookings directly from your website using MangoBeds, you have two convenient options: redirecting users to the booking form link or embedding the booking form directly into your website. Here’s how you can do it:

Option 1: Redirect to the Booking Form Link

  1. Create Your Booking Form: Start by creating a booking form in MangoBeds. Customize it with the necessary details, such as minimum and maximum stay durations, room options, and policies.
  2. Get the Booking Form Link: Once your form is ready, you will have a unique link that you can share with your guests. This link will redirect them to the booking form page.
  3. Add the Link to Your Website: Incorporate this link into your website. You can add it to buttons, text, or even banners. When users click on this link, they will be taken to the MangoBeds booking form to complete their reservation.

Option 2: Embed the Booking Form into Your Website

  1. Navigate to Booking Forms: In your MangoBeds dashboard, go to the “Forms” section.
  2. Select Your Booking Form: Choose the booking form you want to embed.
  3. Copy the Embed Code: Click on the “Insert in my web” button. This action will copy the iframe code to your clipboard.
  4. Paste the Code on Your Website: Insert this iframe code into the HTML of your website where you want the booking form to appear. This will seamlessly embed the form, allowing guests to book directly from your site without being redirected.

Note: In some Website builders like Wix, if the booking form is not displayed, then paste the code between <body>YOUR CODE</body> E.g. <body><script async data-form-id=”BOOKINGFORMID” src=””></script></body>.

Benefits of Using MangoBeds Booking Forms

  • Seamless Integration: The booking form is designed to adapt easily to any website design, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Customizable Options: You can tailor the booking form to suit your needs, including setting booking conditions and offering add-ons.
  • User-Friendly: Guests can check availability and make bookings quickly, without the hassle of trying multiple dates.
  • Adaptable Design: The booking form is created in a simple way to fit any website design. Whether your site is minimalistic or elaborate, the form will blend in perfectly and function smoothly.

By embedding the booking form or redirecting to the form link, you streamline the booking process for your guests, making it easy and efficient to manage reservations directly from your website.

For more detailed instructions, you can contact our support team for assistance.

Happy booking!