We’ve been busy making MangoBeds even better, this time with a smoother booking flow, a brand-new coworking management app, Airbnb integration, and smarter ways to handle cancellations. Plus, we’ve made Stripe payments clearer, improved add-ons across multiple properties, and added more visibility into coupon usage. As always, we’ve squashed some bugs and fine-tuned the platform to make managing your coliving easier. Let’s dive in!
Improve room-changing options in booking forms
We improved the booking flow when room changes were available. Now the options are clearer and easier to choose.

Manage Your Coworking with Mangobed’s new App
Our new coworking management app saves you time, keeps things organized, and helps you make some extra bucks. Check out how easy it is.
Airbnb integration
Want more bookings and better revenue when you’re just starting out or down the road? Sync your Airbnb listing with Mangobeds to manage all your channels in one place. More information
Reduce the impact of cancellations with CoWaiting and Mangobeds
Cancellations happen all the time in colivings. Popular spots fill up fast, and then suddenly a guest cancels at the last minute. Too often, potential guests never find out, missing those open spots. To reduce the impact of cancellations, CoWaiting steps in to notify people when vacancies pop up, and Mangobeds integrates seamlessly to help coliving owners manage these cancellations and notify guests efficiently. More info here

Stripe payments are more clear
Now there should be no confusion between manual payments and stripe ones

Update Addons implementation
Previously addons were related to a property and you had to pay an addon for each one of the properties. Now the addons are related to the organization and the addon plan works for multiple properties. Also now the addon usage is displayed in the organization subscription.
Display coupon usage
Now you can see how many bookings have a coupon applied. This is great for keeping track of special promotions or collaborations with affiliates

New documentation
- Understanding iCal vs. OTAs and Channel Managers in Mangobeds
- Manage Your Coworking with Mangobeds
- How to Invite New Members to Mangobeds
- Reduce the impact of cancellations with CoWaiting and Mangobeds
- Increase Your Bookings with the Airbnb App
Other bug fixes and features
Some small features and bug fixes we’ve implemented:
- The bookings calendar loads on today’s date, perfect for the end of the month avoid scrolling.
- Enable payments for booking requests too, not only confirmed ones. This way you can charge guests before confirming.
- Fixed issue loading upcoming months’ bookings
- Improve country selection input
- Improve housekeeping app tasks display
- Now you can remove coupon codes from bookings
- Ability to hide the availability calendar in booking forms
- Improve bookings table display
- Add the identification number to the client in the invoices
- Improve bookings display in the calendar
- Improve blocking unit efficiency
- Payments and refunds added to the booking activity changes
- Improve updating booking animation in the calendar
- When you hover a booking in the calendar quick info about it is displayed.
- Improve booking form payment upfront UX
Thanks to
Thanks to all our partners for their feedback and support in helping us improve and support more colivings 🫶